Hosting Load Balancing and Scaling
CNY911 Community News and Information Site
- A platform designed to share information about public safety, crime, fires, traffic, and other notable events in the community.
- Emphasizes that the information is for informational use only and is not intended to provide life-saving information.
- Not directly associated with any emergency services.
- Relies on information made public by several other sources.
- Aims to present community events in an accessible, up-to-date, and user-friendly format.
- Focus on mobile device compatibility.
- Offers a feature for users to be notified about events in
- Custom PHP Application and managed hosting
- Developed specifically for home and community-based services.
- Integrated staff tracking to monitor and manage workforce activities.
- Patient tracking system to ensure timely and appropriate care.
- Seamless integration with payroll systems for accurate compensation.
- Integrated with medical billing systems for streamlined financial operations.
- Communication notifications for staff:
- Alerts regarding service exceptions.
- Notifications for overtime occurrences.
- Reminders for forgot